Despicable Katsina School after N2.9 billion education allocation

Despicable Katsina School after N2.9 billion education allocation

Despite a claim by the Katsina State government that it spent over N2.9 billion on education in one year alone, the Children of Kofar in Kaura Local Government Area of Katsina State are learning under terrible deplorable conditions.

A Government Secondary School in the community has become deplorable with the students learning n the floor.

A visit to the school by Tracka officials exposed how children in the school are learning under tattered leaking roofs, some sitting on a bare floor while some of the classrooms have no shelter and children learn in the open.

Worse still, Mr. Aminu Masari, the Katsina State Governor claims that under his watch, the Government spent more than N2, 982,842,473 on education in the year 2021 alone.

In the breakdown of how his government spent over N2.9 billion on education when he appeared before the state House of Assembly, Masari said about N1.2 billion was expended on the construction of classrooms for primary schools.

A claim that is yet to be reflected on Kofar in Kaura School, as a visit to the school shows the dilapidated structure kids are learning.

It is not, however, clear how the Masari government had spent such a massive amount of money, and kids are still learning under a dilapidated condition, in the state he claims to have lifted its educational standard.

Also, Deplorable Katsina School after govt spends N2.9 billion on education in one year

Masari is not the only offender, across the Nigerian state, at the Local, State, and Federal levels, education does not get priority consideration by the governments.

And often, government and its officials, connive and divert monies meant for education, leaving children of the poor who depend on public schools to be the worst affected.

And, this is though Katsina State is rated second highest in Nigeria’s out-of-school children ranking.

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